Welcome Mommies, Mommies in the making, and Mommies to come,

My name is Chanel Smith and I am “Mommy” to a handsome and hilarious 17 month old baby boy, Torrey Jeremiah (TJ). I graduated from the University of Maryland with a double degree in Elementary Education and Sociology, and spent 3 years in the classroom before I had TJ. I  am currently a stay-at-home mom and wife with a crazy schedule trying to chase my dream. Diaries of MIM  is your one stop shop for funny stories, not so expert advice, and random ideas for your little one.

I decided to start this blog to share, learn, and grow with other mommas out there like me. The “ not so critical, I tried my best” moms. The “I’m going to feed my child healthy food, but ice cream is OK once in a while” moms. The “You should be sleeping in your crib but I’ll let you sleep with me just this one time” moms. Somewhere between know it all and could care less there’s me. Right in the middle. Trying my best to make the right decisions but being OK with not knowing all of the answers. Join me on this wonderful journey of laughter, tears, dirty diapers, timeouts, and everything in between.


MIM (Mommy in the Middle)

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